Organizing online hackathons for newcomers to a scientific community – Lessons learned from two events (WEB)
The Secret Sauce of Science: SGCI (PDF)
Incubator Project: The Social Media Macroscope, (Poster)
Enhancing Interactivity and engagement to the Science Gateway Community Institute Workforce Development Site, (Poster)
First Iteration of SGCI Internships and Coding Institute, (Poster)
Mentoring the Next Generation of Science Gateway Developers and Users, AGU 2016
NASA Hyperwall and Remote Sensing Outreach in Japan, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, June 2020
GLOBE: Connecting You to an International Community of Observers and Directly to NASA Satellites, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, March 2019
Judy Qiu, Supun Kamburugamuve, Hyungro Lee, Jerome Mitchell, Rebecca Caldwell, Gina Bullock, Linda Hayden, Teaching, Learning and Collaborating through Cloud Computing Online Classes, Supercomputing Conference, 2017, Denver Colorado.
GLOBE Data Entry App Version 1.3 Now Available to GLOBE Community! Create and Edit Sites Without Active Internet Connection!, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, March 2018
How to Support Newcomers in Scientific Hackathons - An
Action Research Study on Expert Mentoring, J. ACM, Vol. 37, No. 4, Article 111. Publication date: August 2018.
Ground Station Operations Training Hosted by Chapter #03191, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, June 2017
Celebrating the Exceptional Education Efforts within our Society, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, March 2017
GRSS Gender Underrepresentation Program, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, June 2016
Eastern North Carolina Chapter Salutes Distinguished Lecturers Sonia Gallegos, Richard Moore and Sivaprasad Gogineni, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, September 2014
Building Capacity in Polar Science, International Innovations: Disseminating Science Research and Technology, North America edition August 2012. P 32-35.
Malcolm LeCompte, Robert Bindschadler, Linda B. Hayden, Temporal Reduction and Loss of an Ice Shelf in Pine Island Bay, Antarctica: 1972 - 2003, IEEE-GRSS Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (GRSS-JSTARS) GRSL-00258-2012, IEEE-JSTARS-2012-004505.R1
Hayden, Linda, Johnson, Darnell, Powell, Je’aime, Remote Sensing Training for Middle School through the Center of Excellence in Remote Sensing Education and Research, 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif.
Johnson, Darnell, Hayden, Linda, The Impact of Competition on Raising Mathematics Competency at Camelot Elementary School in Chesapeake, Virginia, 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif.
Hale, Stephen, Hayden, Linda, Johnson, Darnell, Engaging Minority University STEM Education Professors in the Science of Climate Change, 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif.
Hayden, L., Promoting Diversity in Science, published in Polar Field Services,, November 2013
Hayden, L. Williams, J., Leadership Lessons in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Partnerships, NSF Minority Serving Institutions Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Conference, Dallas, Texas, September 2009
Hayden, L., Powell, J., Akers, E., Establishing Field and Base Camp Servers for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets in Ilulissat, Greenland, IEEE-IGARSS Conference, July 2009, Cape Town, South Africa
Hayden, L., Fox, G., Adade, A., Implementing Cyberinfrastructure in Support of Greenland and Antarctic SAR Data Sets, AARSE Conference, October 2008, Ghana, Africa
Hayden, L., Fox, G., Gogineni, P., Cyberinfrastructure for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets, TeraGrid Conference, 2007, Madison, Wisconsin
Hayden, L., Jearld, A., Interagency Collaborations with Universities to offer Interdisciplinary Training in Remote Sensing, Ocean and Marine Sciences, IEEE-IGARSS Conference, July 2005, Seoul, Korea
Hayden, L., Hughes, T., Johnson, D., Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets for Underrepresented and Handicapped Middle School Students, IEEE-IGARSS Conference, Barcelona, Spain, July 2007
Hayden, L., Braaten, D., Development of Educational Partnerships Dedicated to Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets Cyberinfrastructure, IEEE-IGARSS Conference, Barcelona, Spain, July 2007
Hayden, L., Fox, G., Gogineni, P., Cyberinfrastructure for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheet” POLARGRID Conference, Madison, WI, June 4-8, 2007
Hayden, L, Omar, A., Collaborations Focused on Enhancing Undergraduate Involvement in Remote Sensing Applications to Atmospheric and Earth Science Research, IGARSS Conference, Denver, CO, July 2006
Inspiring the Next Generation of Earth Explorers through Remote Sensing Studies, NASA Earth Science Education Team Meeting, Washington, DC, January 30-Feb 2, 2006
Wake, C., Hayden, L, Building a Model of Research and Education Collaboration Between Minority and Majority Universities, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 6 Dec 2005
LeCompte, M., Hayden, L. Smith, E., Forde, J., Historical Observations of Coastal Upwellings along the Northern Beaches of the North Carolina Outer Banks 8th International Conference on Remote Sensing of Coastal and Marine Environments, Nova Scotia Canada May 2005
LeCompte, M., Hayden, L., Rorie, D., Coastal Upwelling Along the Northern Beaches of the North Carolina Coast, IEEE- Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society IGARSS Conference, Seoul, Korea, July 2005
Jearld, A., Hayden, L., Interagency Collaborations with Universities to offer Interdisciplinary Training in Remote Sensing, Ocean and Marine Sciences, IEEE- Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society IGARSS Conference, Seoul, Korea, July 2005
Foss, K., Hayden, L., Fogg, T., Dolphin Presence/Absence Probabilities on the Virginia and North Carolina Coast as Correlated with Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll-a Levels, IEEE- Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society IGARSS Conference, Seoul, Korea, July 2005
Hayden, L., Broadening Participation in Science and Engineering, 2005, National Science Foundation HRD/Joint Annual Meeting, April 25- 26, 2005 Washington, DC
Hayden, L., Walter, D., Porter, W., Identifying an Important Source of Talented Students from Underrepresented Communities Through Effective Partnerships with Minority Serving Institutions, American Geophysical Union's (AGU) Fall Meeting, December 13–17, 2004 San Francisco
Hayden, L , Harrison-Wilkins, Mentoring Minority Undergraduates Through Remote Sensing and Geo-Information Science Research, African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment (AARSE) 2004 bi-annual conferences, Oct. 18-21, 2004 Nairobi Kenya
Hayden, L. B., You Be The Scientist with Satellite Imagery and the GAIA Crossroads Project, IEEE- IGARSS Proceedings, Anchorage Alaska, September 2004
Hayden, L. Mathematics of The Great Dismal Swamp Product Development for NASA’s Educational Product Review, Coalition for Earth Science Education Seventh Annual Meeting, Goddard Space Flight Center, Jan 10-13, 2002
Hayden, L., Seshun A. Remote Sensing Middle School Intervention Program-YBTS, Coalition for Earth Science Education Seventh Annual Meeting, Goddard Space Flight Center, Jan 10-13, 2002
Hayden, L. B., The Center of Excellence in Remote Sensing Education and Research (CERSER) Undergraduate Research Experience in Ocean and Marine Science, IEEE- IGARSS Proceedings, Toulouse, France, July 2003
Hayden, L. B., You Be The Scientist with Satellite Imagery Middle School Enrichment Program in EZ/EC Communities, IEEE- IGARSS Proceedings, Sydney Australia, July 2001
K. Harrison, Hayden L., Correlations of AVHRR Sea Surface Temperature with the Presence of Sea Turtles, IEEE- IGARSS Proceedings, Sydney Australia, July 2001
Hayden, L.B., M. Powers, The Great Dismal Swamp Ecosystem Earth System Science Academy, IEEE- IGARSS Proceedings, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 2000
Hayden, L., Celebration of Women in Mathematics for High/Middle School Girls, Science House at NCSU Conference on K-12 Outreach from University Science Departments. Feb 7-9, 2001 Raleigh, NC
Hayden, L, Seshun, A., Goes Satellite Data GOES to School, NASA's MU-SPIN 10th Annual Users Conference, Atlanta, GA Sept. 2000
Hayden, L, Powers, M., The Great Dismal Swamp Earth System Science Academy, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing IGARSS 2000 Conference Proceedings, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 2000
Seshun, A., Steele, K., Hayden, L., The Kaleidoscope of Numbers in Satellite Infrared Imagery, Proceedings of the National Science Teachers Assoc. Conference, St. Louis, MO, Mar. 21-24, 2001
Hayden, L, Atalla, S., Introductory Physics CBT Training Model for the University of Cairo, CBT Authoring Meeting, Cairo, Egypt, June 1999
Hayden, L, Saunders, S., Ethernet vs. ATM: Timing Study of Search and Sort Algorithms, The National McNair Journal Fall 1996, p 19
Hayden, L., Seaton, J., Brooks, S., Integration of the Internet into the Secondary School Curriculum, Guiding Gifted Talent in Science and Technology, Oct. 25-26, 1996, Norfolk State Univ. Norfolk, VA
Hayden, L., Seaton, J. Implementation of the ATLAS program for Secondary School Connectivity within the ECSU-NRTS, 6th Annual NASA MU-SPIN Conference, Sept. 18-24, 1996, El Paso, TX
Hayden, L., Department of Transportation STEP Program Internship Report, ITS Consortiums Intern and Educational Development Meeting Sept. 20, 1995 Hampton, VA
Hayden, L., Using Research to Teach Technology to Undergraduates, NC Academy of Science Conference, 1995
Hayden, L. AND Coleman, Intervention Programs for High Ability Minority Students, NASA-HBCU Space Science and Engineering Research Forum, 1988
Hayden, L. Symposium Evaluation of the Saturday Academy Program located at The University of the District of Columbia Campus, on Intervention Programs Aimed at Increasing Minority Participation in Mathematics Based Fields, 1988
Hayden, L. and Coleman, W., Successfully Keeping Minority Students in the Math/Science Pipeline TRIO Programs Annual Conference, 1989
Hayden, L., Evaluating Intervention Programs, Science, Mathematics, Aeronautics, Research and Technology Interface Group of the National Leadership Roundtable Conference (SMART), 1989