Joyce Bevins


Resume Statement Research Links

Location: Indiana University , Bloomington Indiana (summer 2009)

Mentor: Marlon Peirce

Group membe(s): Jean Bevins

Click here for research poster

Key Words: XML, Apahce, MySQL


Creating Social Networking Applications for PolarGrid by applying Facebook Application Programming Interface, using web technologies such as MySQL, Apahce, and XML and Filtering PolarGrid Photo Shots of Ice Sheet Data from Greenland The Center for the Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS) has been compiling Greenland ice sheet thickness data since 1993 from yearly expeditions to Antarctica and Greenland. The PolarGrid project is tasked with creating a method whereby the data can be visualized and shared through the research and education communities. The primary concentration of this research project is to create a social networking application for the usage of sharing the processed data sets for PolarGrid. To accomplish this task the Facebook Application Programming Interface (API) will be utilized. The Facebook API consist of online communities, which form an ample number of ways to interact, visualize, share, and view data while also allowing users to create profiles.


Location: Elizabeth City State University, Elizabeth City North Carolina (Spring 2009)

Mentor: Jeff Woods

Croup member(s): Robyn Evans, Micheal Auston, Tevins Baskervile, Jean Bevins

Key Words: Web 2.0, Drupal, Joomla, WordPress, MediaWiki, Content Management System, CReSIS, Polar Research


Evaluation and Implementation of Web 2.0 Technologies in Support of CReSIS Polar and Cyberinfrastructure Research Projects at Elizabeth City State University.The primary focus of this research project was to study the implementation of Web 2.0 technologies to support scientific research and provide educational resources. Web 2.0 technologies include social networking, text and data mining, knowledge incorporation environments, tagging, visualization, and mashups. These technologies are widely used in popular sites such as MySpace, Facebook, and iGoogle. Various research and government organizations such as NASA, Harvard’s Science and Engineering department, and the Technology Student Association have also implemented these technologies.

The 2008-2009 Multimedia Team focused on specific server software packages to execute Content Management Systems (CMS) for future inclusion in several ongoing projects under the Center of Excellence in Remote Sensing and Education (CERSER) umbrella. Four open source software packages were evaluated, installed, and documented as models for future installations. These software packages were Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, and MediaWiki.


[email protected]