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My name is Kieshiah Holloway from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I am a freshman at Elizabeth City State University, located in Elizabeth City, NC, where I am apart of the Center of Excellence in Remote Sensing Education and Research (CERSER) program. Here, I am being trained in a variety of skills such as Dreamweaver, Photoshop, camera functions, Geographic Information Systems and Global Positioning Systems. I have also learned to navigate through the operating systems of Macintosh, Windows and the basic commands of Ubuntu. I am looking forward to our team project, and I will apply what I will learn toward my years to come.
My academic goals are to build up my research experience while being an undergraduate research student in CERSER, and to receive my Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science preceding my Masters and Doctorial. In order to accomplish such a task, I will stay focused on my studies, while gaining the knowledge needed to excel. In addition to, I will apply for internships that will help me learn more about science and technology in my particular field. I am thankful for the opportunities I have presented, and with this, I know I will be able to grasp the key elements that will guarantee competitiveness throughout future years.

[email protected]