Undergraduate Research Experience in Ocean Marine and Space Science

Migratory Bottlenose Dolphin Movements and Numbers Along the Mid-Atlantic Coast and Their Correlation with Remotely Sensed Chlorophyll-a and Sea Surface Temperatures

The Team

Mr. Kevin Foss (Mentor)
[email protected]
"A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go but ought to be."

Chakara Murray
[email protected]
(personal page link)

Patrice Armstrong
[email protected]
(personal page link)

Cheniece Arthur
[email protected]
(personal page link)

"From Knowledge Comes Power."


"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe."

"Every time we open our mouths, men look into our minds."


"We don't accomplish anything in this world alone ... and whatever happens is the result of the whole tapestry of one's life and all the weavings of individual threads from one to another that creates something."